The editorial ethics of the Journal "Music in the System of Culture: Scientific Bulletin of the Ural Conservatory” based on modern legal requirements in relation to copyright, legality, set forth by the legislation of the Russian Federation in relation to copyright enforcement and on ethical principles declared by the community of publishers of scientific periodicals Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE ), and the principles approved by the Declaration of the Association of Science Editors and Publishers "Ethical Principles of Scientific Publications".
The editors is responsible for the quality of published scientific articles and ensures compliance with publication ethics by members of the editorial board, reviewers and authors. Materials, the content of which is prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation, shall not be allowed for publication.
Editorial staff shall be obliged to:
- to be impartial, not to give preference to authors depending on gender, race, religious beliefs, citizenship, ethnicity, political beliefs, official position and other conditions that have nothing to do with the scientific value of the work;
- have no conflict of interest in relation to the articles they accept or reject;
- involve competent specialists in reviewing, use the practice of double (blind) reviewing;
- keep editorial secrets, not to disclose personal data of authors and reviewers;
- edit the texts accepted for publication bona fide, coordinate the editing with the authors;
- provide for the possibility of publishing corrections, clarifications, refutations and apologies, if necessary.
Authors are obliged to:
- ensure scientific novelty and high scientific level of materials submitted to the editorial office;
- guarantee the exclusivity of the materials provided (the article cannot be previously published or offered to another publication);
- indicate as co-authors all participants who have made a significant contribution to the research;
- prevent plagiarism, provide links to sources, ensure the accuracy of citation;
- be ready to cooperate with the editors board at all stages of work with materials;
- indicate information about financial sources of support reflected in the materials of the research results.
Reviewers are required to:
- be impartial, strive for objectivity in assessing the reviewed materials, express constructive comments;
- in case of insufficient competence for an objective assessment of the materials received, report this circumstance;
- observe the confidentiality of the expert assessment, not use the information obtained during the review, for personal purposes or in the interests of other persons;
- ensure the timeliness of the review.